Tag Archives: landscape

10 from 2015

A selection of my favourite photos from 2015, in no particular order.

2016 Iceland Calendar

I’m making another calendar of Iceland photos – these are what the images will be for 2016. Prices:

UK customers: £15 each
Mainland Europe and Iceland: £20 each
USA and rest of world: £25 each

There will be discounts for bulk orders – ask for details. Continue reading 2016 Iceland Calendar

Impressions of Iceland

I’ve been posting these photos up all over my social media feed lately; these are images I’ve made in Photoshop from photographs I have taken during my many visits to Iceland over the years. Ever since the first time I went to Iceland it has struck me how the landscape can be represented by bands of colour, from the green of the aurora in the sky through the white snow-capped mountains and glaciers, the bare black rock, the green (or brown) of the grass and the black sand beaches that lead into the deep blue-grey of the north Atlantic ocean. Continue reading Impressions of Iceland