“Ísland úr lofti” 2014 Calendar now available


UPDATE: Due to an issue with the supplier* I have had to increase the price of new calendar orders as of 10th December. ORDERS ALREADY PLACED ARE UNAFFECTED. Please see the new prices below.

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The official Nick Miners Photography 2014 calendar is now available.

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Twelve full colour photos of Iceland taken from aboard a Cessna flying at between 3,000 and 6,000 feet.

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If you would like a copy, please get in touch with me by the end of this week (13th December) or make a payment to PayPal as follows:

UK shipping: £25 per calendar
Europe (including Iceland): £27.50 per calendar
USA: £30 per calendar
Rest of world: please ask

To see the full gallery of images used, click here.

*when I first investigated the price of calendars my supplier was offering a promotional rate with no indication of when it expired. I looked into it today and found that the order I had pending had suddenly become more expensive; after a quick phone call they have honoured the original (lower) price for orders placed to date, but future orders will have to be at the higher price.

The Iceland Airwaves 2013 Photo Dump

This set should need no introduction. You all know where I’ve been by now, so here are some more photos.

There are a LOT here, so drink deep, or take sips. Your choice!

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Ísland úr lofti

Yesterday I hired a plane, much as I did at this time last year, only this time with my friend Tim, and we flew over the south of Iceland for just over two hours. Our journey took us all the way to Eyjafjallajökull, the volcano that caused all that air traffic chaos in 2010; Landmannalaugar, an area where the river flows warm enough to bathe in all year round; over the Westman Islands; and back along the south coast. Naturally I had my camera with me and took a few photos, some of which you can see here… (click images to view larger for best effect!)

Iceland Airwaves 2013 preview


Last year, as I had done the year before, I went to Iceland Airwaves in Reykjavík to take photos for The405. I said afterwards that it would probably be the last time I did music photography, as my professional career was taking off, and I wan’t able to afford the endless trips to London to cover gigs for the website, much as I had been enjoying them.

This year, The405 were approached by the festival organisers about forming a media partnership with Iceland Airwaves, and it turns out I’ll be able to go along to this year’s festival again, with another photo pass, so I find myself just a few weeks away from another week of music, beer, hotdogs and lopapeysur, ready to rediscover my love for gig photography.

This year, a few local bands that I still haven’t managed to catch at a live performance are playing, including Múm and Emilíana Torrini, and German legends Kraftwerk will be making an appearance too. On top of the scheduled line-up (see Harpa Silfurberg on Friday for The405’s stage) there is the usual array of endless off-venue gigs, where festival goers are crammed, sardine-like, into bookshops, cafés, hostels and bars (and even bus stops) to catch more intimate performances from the visiting artists. A highlight for me from last year was when Ólöf Arnalds played to an entranced Restaurant Reykjavík, and we spotted none other than Björk in the crowd afterwards. It’s not uncommon to find yourself sitting next to, or passing in the street, any of the performers from the bands playing at the festival, and this feeling of involvement that is unique to Iceland is what makes the festival feel so special for me.

If you’re going this year, look out for me in my lopapeysa and stop me and say hi if you recognise me. I’ll no doubt be with my bros from The405: Oli, Tim and Stephen, most of us carrying our cameras around with us, so we shouldn’t be hard to spot.

And if you’re not going, keep an eye out on The405’s website, the Grapevine’s Airwaves minisite, or my own Facebook page for updates from the festival, photo galleries, interviews, sessions and more may well appear, so you can enjoy it as vicariously as you dare.



An acronym from my former life working in finance there for you: Year to Date. Anyway, for no reason other than I want to (and it’s my blog, so why not?) here, in no particular order, is a selection of photos from my year so far. It’s been a good year; mostly interiors but with some variety, as well as the start of my personal project, Icelanders in London.

Prints of some of my images are available at nickminers.com/prints.  Proceeds from the prints you buy go towards helping me pursue my personal projects. Thank you, and enjoy!

Roulette Wheel
Roulette wheel at Napoleon’s Casino, Leicester Square
Parvati the Elephant outside the Apex Temple Court hotel, London
Elín, one of the Icelanders in London from my eponymous project
The Rookery
The courtyard at the Dickensian hotel The Rookery in the heart of London
Food available at the Icon Hotel in Luton
Food available at the Icon Hotel in Luton
The Cathedral at Quimper, Brittany, France
The Cathedral at Quimper, Brittany, France
A military monument at Cap de la Chèvre, Brittany, France
A military monument at Cap de la Chèvre, Brittany, France
Charlottte, another of the Icelanders in London
Charlotte, another of the Icelanders in London
The sun begins to rise over a mist Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
The sun begins to rise over a misty Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
A contortionist makes the letter H as part of a promo shoot for the film The Last Exorcism Part 2
Sally Miller, a contortionist, makes the letter H as part of a promo shoot for the film The Last Exorcism Part 2
Dewdrops on grass at the Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
Dewdrops on grass at the Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
The leisure room in Hotel Xenia, London
The leisure room in Hotel Xenia, London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
Karate demonstration
Karate demonstration
Run for your Wife
Emma Barton, Vicki Michelle and Kellie Shirley at a special charity screening of Run for your Wife
Leaf skeleton
Leaf skeleton
Mirrors in a walk-in wardrobe for an interior design client
Bookshelf and easy chair for an interior design client