Category Archives: Galleries

20 for ’13

It’s the time of year when websites make lists of things that happened in the year gone by. So not to be outdone, here, in no particular order, are my favourite 20 shots from 2013. It has been an interesting year for me, with some prestigious new clients, amazing interior design, and flying a plane over Iceland (for at least 10 minutes).  It’s also seen the birth of my Icelanders in London project, from which I’ve picked a few of the group shots, as I couldn’t possibly pick a favourite from the individual shots, though you’re welcome to have a look and decide which is yours.

I’d love to hear from you too, dear readers, so please share your own favourite photos (taken by you or anyone else) in the comments.

The Roulette wheel in action at Napoleon's casino in Leicester Square, London
The Roulette wheel in action at Napoleon’s casino in Leicester Square, London
The rather snazzy bar at the NH Kensington hotel in London
The rather snazzy bar at the NH Kensington hotel in London
The slightly bent Quimper cathedral, Brittany, France
The slightly bent nave in Quimper cathedral, Brittany, France
Impressive stairwell in the huge Landmark Hotel in Marylebone, London
An impressive stairwell in the huge Landmark Hotel in Marylebone, London
Wooden panelling in the Apex City of London hotel
Wooden panelling in the Apex City of London hotel
The official residence of the Norwegian Ambassador to London
The official residence of the Norwegian Ambassador to London
Icelanders in London! - Guðný, Sesselía, Harry and Helgi
Icelanders in London! – Guðný, Sesselía, Harry and Helgi
Icelanders in London - Bjarni, Guðný, Charlotte and Nanna
Icelanders in London! – Bjarni, Guðný, Charlotte and Nanna


A monument to the war dead at Cap de la Chèvre, Brittany, France
A monument to the war dead at Cap de la Chèvre, Brittany, France
Bishop Challoner school in east London
Bishop Challoner school in east London
Karate demonstration
Karate demonstration
Interior design in Mayfair, London
Interior design in Mayfair, London
Bookshelf with matching easy chair
Bookshelf with matching easy chair
Walk-in wardrobe featuring lots of mirrors
Walk-in wardrobe featuring lots of mirrors
Interior design in Mayfair, London
Interior design in Mayfair, London
Emilíana Torrini at Iceland Airwaves 2013
Emilíana Torrini at Iceland Airwaves 2013
The showroom at Minotti London
The Angler restaurant at the South Place Hotel in London
The Angler restaurant at the South Place Hotel in London
River flowing through snow in the Icelandic wilderness
River flowing through snow in the Icelandic wilderness
The Arch, London - a rather splendid boutique hotel near Marble Arch
The Arch, London – a rather splendid boutique hotel near Marble Arch



The Iceland Airwaves 2013 Photo Dump

This set should need no introduction. You all know where I’ve been by now, so here are some more photos.

There are a LOT here, so drink deep, or take sips. Your choice!

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Ísland úr lofti

Yesterday I hired a plane, much as I did at this time last year, only this time with my friend Tim, and we flew over the south of Iceland for just over two hours. Our journey took us all the way to Eyjafjallajökull, the volcano that caused all that air traffic chaos in 2010; Landmannalaugar, an area where the river flows warm enough to bathe in all year round; over the Westman Islands; and back along the south coast. Naturally I had my camera with me and took a few photos, some of which you can see here… (click images to view larger for best effect!)


An acronym from my former life working in finance there for you: Year to Date. Anyway, for no reason other than I want to (and it’s my blog, so why not?) here, in no particular order, is a selection of photos from my year so far. It’s been a good year; mostly interiors but with some variety, as well as the start of my personal project, Icelanders in London.

Prints of some of my images are available at  Proceeds from the prints you buy go towards helping me pursue my personal projects. Thank you, and enjoy!

Roulette Wheel
Roulette wheel at Napoleon’s Casino, Leicester Square
Parvati the Elephant outside the Apex Temple Court hotel, London
Elín, one of the Icelanders in London from my eponymous project
The Rookery
The courtyard at the Dickensian hotel The Rookery in the heart of London
Food available at the Icon Hotel in Luton
Food available at the Icon Hotel in Luton
The Cathedral at Quimper, Brittany, France
The Cathedral at Quimper, Brittany, France
A military monument at Cap de la Chèvre, Brittany, France
A military monument at Cap de la Chèvre, Brittany, France
Charlottte, another of the Icelanders in London
Charlotte, another of the Icelanders in London
The sun begins to rise over a mist Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
The sun begins to rise over a misty Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
A contortionist makes the letter H as part of a promo shoot for the film The Last Exorcism Part 2
Sally Miller, a contortionist, makes the letter H as part of a promo shoot for the film The Last Exorcism Part 2
Dewdrops on grass at the Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
Dewdrops on grass at the Aquadrome in Rickmansworth
The leisure room in Hotel Xenia, London
The leisure room in Hotel Xenia, London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
The very modern Bishop Challoner School in east London
Karate demonstration
Karate demonstration
Run for your Wife
Emma Barton, Vicki Michelle and Kellie Shirley at a special charity screening of Run for your Wife
Leaf skeleton
Leaf skeleton
Mirrors in a walk-in wardrobe for an interior design client
Bookshelf and easy chair for an interior design client

Tonight You Belong to Me

Here’s something else positive for you. A young girl can’t sleep so her Dad sings a song with her, and puts it on YouTube. Every now and then they have to stop to let the imaginary fireworks go off, then they continue.

Thanks to Scot for bringing this to my attention.