Category Archives: News

More Icelanders

Icelanders in London - Bjarni, Guðný, Charlotte and Nanna
Icelanders in London – Bjarni, Guðný, Charlotte and Nanna

I had another shoot with some Icelandic people based in London for my Icelanders in London project on Saturday – you can see the stories of Rannveig and Clara, as well as all the other Icelanders who have been involved so far, over at the project website.

If you’re reading this, and you are Icelandic and live in London, please get in touch if you’d like to be involved.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year


The Natural History Museum’s 50th annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition has opened for entries as of today. This has been one of my favourite photo competitions since I was *this* high, and I have always admired the ability and patience of the people who enter.

I’m going to make an extra effort to enter it myself this year, if only to get myself out of my comfort zone. If you fancy your chances (what, still? With me entering?) then you can find out all about it at the official site.


“Ísland úr lofti” 2014 Calendar now available


UPDATE: Due to an issue with the supplier* I have had to increase the price of new calendar orders as of 10th December. ORDERS ALREADY PLACED ARE UNAFFECTED. Please see the new prices below.

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The official Nick Miners Photography 2014 calendar is now available.

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Twelve full colour photos of Iceland taken from aboard a Cessna flying at between 3,000 and 6,000 feet.

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If you would like a copy, please get in touch with me by the end of this week (13th December) or make a payment to PayPal as follows:

UK shipping: £25 per calendar
Europe (including Iceland): £27.50 per calendar
USA: £30 per calendar
Rest of world: please ask

To see the full gallery of images used, click here.

*when I first investigated the price of calendars my supplier was offering a promotional rate with no indication of when it expired. I looked into it today and found that the order I had pending had suddenly become more expensive; after a quick phone call they have honoured the original (lower) price for orders placed to date, but future orders will have to be at the higher price.

And then there were 13…

Yesterday I went into London to photograph Elín and Bragi, an Icelandic couple who had recently been married on a tour of India and Thaliand before returning to London. I met Elín before they left, and they were both very keen to be involved in the Icelanders in London project, and so I have added their photos to the project website which you can see here and here.

My assistant for the shoot, Caitlin (who is also a photographer, and a good one too…), took a sneaky photo of me with the Icelanders as we discussed where to take some of the photos:

Spot the impostor...
Spot the impostor…

Straight talking

Courtesy of Ian Betteridge, this is Oliver Hotham‘s interview with Straight Pride UK which was pulled by WordPress at the request of Straight Pride. 

For more details of what happened, see here.

There has never been a better time to be gay in this country. LGBTI people will soon enjoy full marriage equality, public acceptance of homosexuality is at an all time high, and generally a consensus has developed that it’s really not that big of a deal what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms. The debate on Gay Marriage in the House of Commons was marred by a few old reactionaries, true, but generally it’s become accepted that full rights for LGBTI people is inevitable and desirable. Thank God.

But some are deeply troubled by this unfaltering march toward common decency, and they call themselves the Straight Pride movement.

Determined to raise awareness of the “heterosexual part of our society”, Straight Pride believe that a militant gay lobby has hijacked the debate on sexuality in this country, and encourage their members, among other things, to “come out” as straight, posting on their Facebook page that:

“Coming out as Straight or heterosexual in todays politically correct world is an extremely challenging experience. It is often distressing and evokes emotions of fear, relief, pride and embarrassment.”

I asked them some questions.

Continue reading Straight talking