Category Archives: News

Reykjavík Boulevard

The cover of Issue 01 of Reykjavík Boulevard
The cover of Issue 01 of Reykjavík Boulevard

Niccolò Scelfo is a photographer from Florence in Italy who visited Iceland on a road trip in 2012. As so often happens, he fell in love with the place and had soon found himself a house in Reykjavík from where he runs his new web-based art magazine, Reykjavík Boulevard:

“I thought about building a platform for curious people, trying to share stories and discover the world through the eyes and projects of people. I started interviewing famous directors at the Reykjavik International Film Festival, then bands at Iceland Airwaves and many other stories came up. I realized the website and tried to release a magazine about that.”

Issue 00 was launched as a trial a few months ago and received a lot of positive feedback, and so after a lot of hard work and dedication by Niccolo and his small, mostly Italian editorial team, he has this morning launched issue 01 which you can read here. Featured in the current issue are the Icelandic singer Íris, who played at the London launch of Iceland, Defrosted, several other Icelandic and international artists and musicians, and there’s a small feature on some London based photographer who is photographing Icelanders in London…

Go and have a look – it’s a beautifully put together magazine, and you might even learn a little more about yours truly!

More Icelanders

Helgi and his songbook
Helgi and his songbook

Last Saturday I had a photoshoot with some more Icelanders living here in London. Four of them are all members of the same choir, and kept spontaneously breaking out into song during the shoot. As we were at The Scoop, an open-air theatre outside London’s City Hall, the acoustics were perfect for such musical activities, and we all had a great time.

The photos from the shoot have now been added to my Icelanders in London site, so please feel free to admire the Icelandic cheekbones on display.

Out of the freezer

Iceland, Defrosted (cover)

When you’re as obsessed with a place like Iceland as much as I am, the people you meet who share that obsession become firm friends very quickly. One such person is Ed Hancox, whom I met online via Twitter and in person at Iceland Airwaves last year, and like me he likes to write about his experiences in Iceland. Unlike me, however, he has published a book.

The book is called ‘Iceland, Defrosted’ and is unlike any other travel book I’ve come across. It’s not a tourist guide, more an anthology of stories and anecdotes from his many, many trips to Iceland (and one trip to Hull!). I’ve only read the first four or so chapters so far, but have been taken in by his charming prose and wit. He has explored Iceland far wider and far deeper than I have, and has spoken to several people who live there, giving his stories much more to them than his own viewpoint.

You can buy the book from Amazon at this link. I’d highly recommend it based on what I’ve read so far (and on the reactions from others who have already finished the book). I’m looking forward to delving further into Ed’s Icelandic adventures.

Icelanders abroad

Charlotte Ólöf - an Icelander in London
Charlotte Ólöf – an Icelander in London

Recently, in between work related stuff, I’ve been spending time getting to know and photographing a group of people who share something in common, something that makes me decidedly envious and endlessly fascinated.

These people are the Icelanders in London, and it’s been a real privilege getting to know so many of them. There are six of them currently featured on the site, but I’ve met far more, and hope to have photographed around 20 of them by the end of the summer.

After a few weeks checking that people were happy with their portraits being made public, and gathering information about them and their chosen possessions, I was able to launch the site officially this afternoon, and it has been really well-received so far. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to sharing more stories and photos from these lovely people soon.

Icelanders in London: update


I wrote the other day about my new personal project, ‘Icelanders in London’. Well, I have more to report on the project’s progress.

Unfortunately, the planned exhibition of photographs in October/November will no longer go ahead, as other commitments have me, ironically, in Iceland during the week the exhibition was due to be held. However I would still strongly urge those of you who are in town between 30th October and 5th November to go along to the People and Places exhibition at the Espacio Gallery anyway.

On the flip side, I am working on a website where the portraits will be shown instead; once I get the first few biographies back from the relevant people you will be able to see it at – in the meantime there is a holding page there to whet your appetite.