Image bank

One of the most exciting jobs I’ve had recently was one I had to keep under wraps until just now. Workplace design consultants Burtt-Jones and Brewer had asked me to photograph the new London offices of Swedish bank SEB, in a building directly opposite St Paul’s Cathedral in the heart of the City of London. Continue reading Image bank

EXCLUSIVE! An interview with the Icelandic McDonald’s burger man

You may have seen an article recently about the last cheeseburger sold by McDonald’s in Iceland doing the rounds – initially published on the website of Icelandic newspaper Morgunblaðið and the Reykjavi­k Grapevine, it soon spread to the Huffington Post and eventually made it onto the websites of the Daily Mail, the Mirror, and others.

Apart from Morgunblaðið and the Grapevine, however, none of the publications in question bothered to contact Hjörtur Smárason, the person who purchased said burger; instead reprinting a quotation from the time he handed the burger over to the Museum of Iceland, in 2012. I managed to perform a task seemingly beyond the world’s media, and tracked Hjörtur down, admittedly not difficult given that (a) he is a good friend of mine and (b) as he points out on his Facebook profile, he is the only person in the history of the world to have that name. Here’s what he had to say about the whole fuss. Continue reading EXCLUSIVE! An interview with the Icelandic McDonald’s burger man

Left to right: Axel, Skúli, Helga, Hildur, Árni, and Bibbi

The story behind the photo: Rökkurró

Left to right: Axel, Skúli, Helga, Hildur, Árni, and Bibbi
Left to right: Axel, Skúli, Helga, Hildur, Árni, and Bibbi (click image to enlarge)

In place of an end-of-year list or restrospective post, I thought I’d write a few words about one of my favourite photos from the year; not just to look at, but probably one of the most enjoyable to shoot…

Continue reading The story behind the photo: Rökkurró